$20 per Person at $2 per ticket, (Total $~~~ ) (previous group run)
Seed Money: $29 (Pre-seeded from previous lotto)
Ticket Count: 60 tickets | $120.00 | + pre-seeded (15 tickets | $30 (I added an extra dollar to make another ticket.) Total 75 Tickets
Lottery Peeps: James Majerus (✅), Adam Shake (✅), Tyler Bennet (✅), Stephen Moist (✅), Sean Hanson (✅), Clayton Morrow (✅)
*** (✅) means paid to group fund.
https://github.com/Aetrius/powerballAPI Self built roller
Numbers Rolled for Lottery | 7/14/23 (Friday)
<will insert table once we have the peeps that want in>
Tickets Purchased (Screenshots):
<receipts will be included below>